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Conset FC

Conset FC & is Two Component Acrylic modified cementitious coating for concrete and masonary. Conset FC powder consists of specially selected cements, graded hard-wearing aggregates and additives supplied in powder and Conset FC liquid component of blended acrylic polymers.



    Two component, flexible cementitious waterproofing compound for interior and exterior concerete and masonry structural elements.


    Fields of Application

    • Waterproofing of bathrooms, showers, balconies, terraces before laying ceramic tiles.
    • Waterproofing of swimming pools, hammam before laying ceramic tiles.
    • Waterproofing of underground concrete elements like foundations, retaining walls, basement walls.
    • Waterproofing of concrete basins of potable water.
    • Waterproofing of places subject to small deformations.



    • Approved to be used in contact with water intended for human consumption.
    • Excellent bonding on all concrete and masonry.
    • Non-corrosive for steel and construction elements.
    • Pervents carbonation in concrete.
    • Resistant to freeze-thaw.
    • Easy to apply either by brush, roller or trowel.



    • Since contains cement, irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. For further information refer to safety data sheet.
    • Indicated consumption is a general information. It may change depending on the application conditions and surface properties.



    • Liquid component: Store in temperatures from 50C to 230C in original sealed packing and keep the out of direct sunlight.
    • Powder component: Store in dry medium. Do not stack more than 10 bags on top of each other.



    • Powder component: 20 kg multi-ply paper bags.
    • Liquid component: 10lt. drums.

    Technical Information

    Technical Properties (at 230 C)
    General Data
    Appearance 1st component: Grey or White powder;

    2nd component: White Liquid.

    Shelf Life (Powder and liquid) 12 months when stored in the original sealed packaging.
    Application Data
    Application Temperature (+50C) – (+350C)
    Mixing Ratio 10 lt liquid / 20 kg powder
    Mixing – 3 mins. with Max. 500 rpm mixer
    Pot life 4 hours
    Consumption (avr.) 1.7 kg/m2 (per 1 min thickness)
    Waiting Time Between the Coats 5-6 hours
    Ready to use 7 days
    Performance Data
    Waterproofing Capacity (for 3 min thickness) 5  bar (positive)
    Tensile Adhesion Strength (EN 1542) ≥ 1.00 N/mm2
    Tensile Adhesion Strength After Cycling Without De-icing ≥ 1.00 N/mm2
    Salts Impact (EN 13687-3: EN 1542)
    Tensile Adhesion Strength After Heat Ageing ≥ 1.00 N/mm2
    (EN 1062-11: EN 1542)
    Water-vapor permeability (EN ISO 7783) Class I; Sd  5 (Sd: Equipment air thickness)
    Capillary Water Absorption (EN 1062-3) ≤ 0.1 kg/m2h0.5
    Heat Resistance (-300C)-(+800C)
    Dangerous Substances See SDS.
    Reaction to Fire European classification Bs1d0

    How to Use

    The substrate must be solid, dry, free of dust, loose parts, paint, wax, oils, rust and traces of gypsum. Cementitious substrates must be cured, Use Conset 45 T & C in case of any loose and uneven substrates to get a sound and flat surface.


    The substrate should be protected from sunlight, precipitation and dust for 1 day and application should not under direct sunlight. Dampen absorbent surfaces to be treated before hand with water or better apply CONSET PRIMER.


    Pour 5 liters liquid component in to a suitable clean container. Then slowly add 20 kg powder component and mix with a low speed mixer. to obtain a homogenous lump free mix. Mixing with max 500 rpm mixer is recommended.


    Allow to stand for 5 minutes to mature. After remixing for 1-2 minutes, the paste is ready for application.


    Apply a thin layer of Conset FC with brush, roller or trowel, then after 5-6 hours apply a second coat, to have a final thickness of approximately 2-3 mm


    Insert a 4.5 x 4 mm mesh in the first layer of Conset FC when operating around expansion joints, joints between horizontal and vertical surfaces, areas with small cracks or places subject to stress. After the mesh has been laid Apply a second layer of Conset FC when the first one has set (after 5-6 hours) or use CONSET WATERPROOFING TAPE for these joints.


    Use Conset FC within 2 hour of preparation. Unfavourable climatic conditions (high temperature, low humidity, wind etc.) can reduce this time to just a few minutes.


    Dispose mortars of which pot life is expired. Clean tools and hands with water, surfaces with a damp cloth.


    Protect the surface from direct sunlight, rain, freezing and wind for the first 24 hours after application.


    If Conset FC applied surface is subject to foot traffic, cover the surface with flooring compound or tiles.


    After applying Conset FC, wait at least 3 days for curing in favourable climatic conditions before laying ceramic tiles.


    Avoid mechanical damage on the waterproofing material during covering application.


    When Conset FC is used waterproofing drinking water tanks, do not fill the tank before waiting 28 days for curing.