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Rapid Setting Mortar

Conplug is Sealing mortar containing mineral filling and special cement, applicable as powder and mortar, water resistant, instant dry, actively preventing water leaks.



    Fields of Application
    • To plug and dry the water leakages in foundations, basements, concrete walls of water tanks and concrete pipes, tunnels, reservoirs, etc. before the application of waterproofing materials.
    • Repairing and waterproofing of cable and pipe holes.
    • Repairing and waterproofing of tierod holes.


    • Easy to use.
    • Sets very rapidly.
    • Waterproofs.
    • Sets without shrinkage, non-cracking.
    • Not corrosive for the concrete reinforcement.
    • Excellent adhesion.
    • High mechanical resistance.
    • All kinds of waterproofing materials can be applied.


    Do not inhale the powder, because it is cement based material. Avoid skin and eye contact.


    Store in dry and cool medium. Protect the material against moisture.


    Available in 5 kg. pails.


    Please Note: All suggestions and application and instructions herein are based on our latest technical experience. Due to wide variety of individual application conditions, the user alone is responsible for any consequences deriving from the use of the product.

    Technical Information

    Technical Properties (at 230 C)
    General Data
    Appearance Grey Powder
    Shelf Life 12 months when stored in the original sealed packaging.
    Application Data
    Application Temperature Range (+50 C) – (+350 C)
    Mixing Ratio 0,20-22lt water / 1 kg powder
    Pot life 40 mins.
    Ready to Use 2 mins.
    Consumption 2 kg for a hole having a volume about 1 lt volume.
    Bulk Density – 1, 20 g/cm3
    Performance Data
    Tensile Strength (EN 1542) ≥0, 50 N/mm2 (28 days)

    How to Use

    • The surface needs to be clean, dry and sound.
    • Remove loose pieces, dust, dirt, oil, grease etc. that may prevent adhesion.
    • Cracks and holes should be chased out and cleaned 2 cm. wide and depth.


    Application as Mortar
    • Pour 0,020-0,22 lt. of water into 1 kg. of powder and mold by hand until the mortar reaches the right consistency.
    • From the mortar that has the consistency of dough within 30 seconds (when the mortar begins
    • to warm up) a conic from and apply on the area of water leak by hand with a single move and with pressure.
    • Hold the pressure until the material hardens.


    Application as Powder
    • Take a hand full of powder and apply on the area of water leak by hand with a single move and with pressure.
    • Hold pressure until the active water leakage stops (5 seconds).
    • Right after the application, correct disorders and smooth the surface with suitable tools.
    • Right after the application, clean the application tools.