
Important Points in the Application of Adhesives

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  • The bonding agent should be checked before applying. Do not use products that are expired, agglomerated or hardened. 
  • The bonding mortar should be prepared according to the preparation instructions on the label. 
  • During preparation of the bonding agent, the product or the adhesive should be poured slowly into the specified amount of water as indicated on the label and stirred until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Do not add any other additive that is not mentioned on the instructions label. 
  • Please pay attention to the surface preparation criteria. 
  • Prior to application, a proper bonding class that first to the location and the application method should be selected. 
  • It is of utmost importance to apply a combined method and use bonding mortar with high elasticity. 
  • When using other products than TILEMATE FLEX RAPID SL Bonding Mortar for applying huge sized or heavy coating materials, make sure to use the combined bonding method. 
  • In order to obtain a better adhesion surface, the mortar should be first spread over the surface with the flat side of the trowel hen combed with the notched side of the selected trowel according to the tile dimension. 
  • The tiles should be applied on the combed mortar within the instruction time given on the instruction label, preferably by applying some pressure. The incrustation time may be shortened when applying under conditions like high temperature, low humidity or wind. When the instruction time is elapsed, no further bonding activity should be done on the mortar, the mortar should rather be scraped o. the surface. 
  • Mortar of which the expiry date on the tab has passed or incrusted mortar should be disposed.
  • Please avoid direct water contact for at least 24 hours at tiles that have been bonded with cement based products.
  • If ceramics is to be applied then present dilatations on the surface should be taken into consideration, during laying of the tiles expansion joints should be provided periodically, a proper profile or a polyurethane mastic should be applied necessarily at the corners and the expansion joints. 
  • The humidity on surfaces where bonding mortars on epoxy and polyurethane basis shall be applied has to be less than 5%. 
  • The epoxy and polyurethane based bonding agents have to be prepared according to the instructions label, a one-to-one mixture must be made without splitting up product components by using a low-speed mixer should be done. 
  • During usage of epoxy based bonding agents it should be considered that the outside temperature will have an e.ect on the product, and that high or low temperatures will have an e.ect on the setting time. 
  • The application temperature conditions are indicated in the technical properties of the products should be preserved within the first 24 hours after application.