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Con Proof RMW

Integral Water Proofing Admixture For Concrete, plaster and mortar

Con Proof RMW is specially processed add mixture based on lignosulphonate and additives. It is supply in brown liquid which can easily mixable with water and therefore disperse evenly The plasticizing action of Con Proof RMW aids in producing denser concrete/mortar with greatly re duced permeability. As concrete mix formation is contain some extent to porous and water must be prevented from penetrating through capillary pores. The risk of capillary suction is reduced by the reducedd air which blocks the pores.




    It is used to produce free flowing concrete for Speed up Construction. To increase workablilty of concrete to improve cohesion and pumping aid for concrete mix to provide water tight structures.



    Water tight structure-the permeability is increased up to full depth of concrete
    Excellent protection of reinforcing steel, material strength of the concrete is maintained.
    Improved plasticity and cohesion aids easier, placing better compaction and finishing without loss of work ability.
    Chloride free admixture and reduced segregation and bleeding.
    For all structural and precast concrete and economical for mass concreting.

    Conform to IS: 2645 -2003



    The addition of Con Proof RMW provides two main benefits in the objective of achieving near zero permeability, high quality concrete.
    Its powerful water reducing capability permits a significant reduction in water cement ratio without loss in consistancy of the concrete.

    Con Proof – RMW creates reduced pore diameter after curing.

    The carefully selected ingredients of Con Proof – RMW will also isolate these pores and thus provide significantly reduced permeability via capillary channels. And Con Proof-RMW will permit approx.15% water reduction and give greater plasticity and workability to the fresh concrete.


    Where to Use

    Water tank, Reservoirs, Basements, Sewage treatment plants, Swimming pools and other water retaining structures. Balconies and roof, pumped concrete.


    Storage life

    Self life 12 months in manufacturers containers.


    Handling Precaution

    Con Proof – RMW contains no flammable ingredient. Prolonged. Any splashes on eyes should be washed with water and medical advice sought.

    Technical Information

    Form Liquid
    Colour Brown
    PH 7.5+ 1
    Cl Nil
    Air entrainment Max 4%
    Sp. Gravity 1.2

    How to Use

    Add cement, sand and aggregates to concrete mixtyue as per design mix in a dry state for 1 minutes
    Start addition of 70-80 % water and mix 2-3 minutes
    CON PROOF–RMW is added as per recommended dosage in to remaining mixing gauging water then add to concrete mixture and mix another 2 minute place the concrete or plaster, as needed
    Cure the applied mortar or concrete as per good construction practice or use curing compound