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Pre-blended quartz dry shake surface hardening for fresh concrete floors.

CONTOP- HD is a quartz based, chemically inert, dry shake floor topping for monolithic floors. The product contains a blend of specially graded aggregates, additives and Ordinary Cements.

When trowelled into freshly laid concrete, CONTOP-HD produces a dense, tough, abrasion resistant surface suitable for most industrial floors.



    • Parking areas.
    • Warehouses.
    • Workshops.
    • Service stations.
    • Aircraft hangars.


    • Highly resistant to wearing and abrasion.
    • Reduces surface dust.
    • Premixed, ready to use.
    • Can be applied by hand, or using automatic spreading equipment.
    • Coloured versions contain a high quality, durable pigment.
    • Maintains the anti-static characteristics of the concrete surface.
    • Compatible with concrete mixes regardless the type of water reducing admixture used (PC, Ligno or SNF).


    CONTOP-HD complies with EN 13813, Class CT-C80-F7-AR1.


    Base concrete limitations
    The following concrete limitations and properties should be considered to obtain hard concrete surface with high abrasion resistance:
    • The compressive strength is recommended to be higher than 25 mpa.
    • W/C ratio should be at a minimum required value to achieve fully compacted concrete.
    • Concrete slump should be kept between 75 mm and 120 mm.
    • Cement content should be no less than 300 kg/m³.
    • Proper concrete compaction and leveling is a must.
    • Should free water be present at the surface this should be allowed to evaporate or brushed away before the application of CONTOP-HD


    Application rate
    Recommended application rates are as follows:
    Normal rate 3 – 5 kg/m².
    Heavy duty floors 5 – 7 kg/m².


    All equipments and tools should be rinsed with water immediately after use.


    CONTOP-HD is available in 25 kg bags.


    CONTOP-HD has a shelf life of 12 months from date of manufacture if stored at dry conditions and temperatures between 2°C and 50°C.


    Health and safety
    As CONTOP-HD contains Portland cement, CONTOP-HD may cause irritation to skin or eyes.
    In case of accidental contact with skin or eyes, immediately flush with plenty of water and seek medical advise if necessary.
    For further information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.


    CONTOP-HD is nonflammable

    Technical Information

    Technical Properties (at 250C)
    Flexural strength: BS EN 13892-2 > 7 MPa @ 28 days
    Compressive strength: BS EN 13892-2
    (Mortar consistency)
    > 80 MPa @ 28 days
    CONTPO-HD aggregates hardness 7 (Mohs scale)
    Colour Grey, buff, green & brick red
    VOC:ASTM D2369 < 1 g/ltr
    Taber abrasion:
    ASTM D4060 fitted with H22 wheel, 1000 g/1000 cycle 1070 milligram
    Abrasion resistance*: Class AR1 high abrasion resistance
    EN 13892, BS 8204, Part 2 (less than 0.1 mm water depth)

    How to Use

    • The right time to spread the CONTOP -HD on concrete surface is when light foot traffic leaves an imprint of about 3 – 6 mm.
    • Broacast the CONTOP-HD evenly over the surfac of the base concrete. Where manual trowelling is involved, application in two stages is recommended. The first stage should be to apply two thirds of the coverage rate of CONTOP-HD, and allow the material to absorb moisture form concrete. When a uniform dark colour appears, indicating that the material is wet, CONTOP-HD should be trowelled in, either by hand or using a power float (pan fitted with blades). Stage two is to apply the remainder of the coverage rate and to repeat trowelling. For large floor constructions CONTOP-HD can be spread and trowelled satisfactorily in one stage by mechanical means.
    • Care must be taken not to wet the application of CONTOP-HD with water addition not to affect the overall quality of the floor.
    • Proper curing should be maintained and the surface is not to be marred by the curing method.


    Timing of application
    Timing of CONTOP-HD application is critical. Adequate machinery, labour and material should be available to complete the whole area while sufficient concrete moisture is available. Applying CONTOP-HD before or after the proper application time can seriously affect the quality of the concrete floor finish.